Thursday, September 10, 2015

First Grade Upload Into Moodle

I just did a grade upload.  Some students requested this is class yesterday.  There are three pieces of information that were uploaded:  the Excel Tutorial, the Excel on Efficiency and Equity Concepts, and the Blog Post about your alias.  If you got credit for the first it should be for 10 points and likewise for the second.  For the third, there should be an x mark in the Feedback column, but no points.

Moodle produces other information that I wish you wouldn't see but I don't know how to control and I'm not going to waste my time to figure that out better.  So just focus on those three bits.

If you think I erred by not giving you credit where you deserved, please do contact me.  This process is not entirely automatic and I can make mistakes in the recording keeping.

And if you haven't yet done some of this work, you can still get credit for doing it.  So get it done asap.  After this weekend it will be harder to get caught up with the class.  It is much better for you to stay current with the work.

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